Sunday, July 11, 2010

myself with a ponytail....


I got my hair cut just a bit after our wedding a year ago because it was 90 degrees and I had mono. I decided that if I was just going to put it in a ponytail all the time I might as well just get it cut.

Well, today, though my hair is short, I tried the ponytail again.
My hair is not quite long enough but to brave the heat of this summer I think I may need it (and appreciate it A LOT!) This picture reminds me of my mom, when I was in H.S. and college she told me that she always wanted a ponytail like me (the ponytail I used to have) but her hair was never quite long enough and she never had quite enough patience to grow it out.

I think I'm growing mine out now. My stint with short hair is over. For now.

It was a hard run today at Discovery Park, it has quickly turned into a HOT summer in Seattle and I am definitely not acclimated. The park today was stunningly GORGEOUS and I am definitely not sorry I went.

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