Saturday, July 23, 2011

Life goes on....

This is a picture taken from a small graduation party we had for Josh. It's been a long two years! I am so glad he is done with his degree, and I know he is too!

He never ceases to amaze me with stories of what he did at work in any given day....I don't know how he could have learned so much in 2 short years! I think he feels the same way. We are really crossing our fingers that this job continues past the summer, but if not he is having some great experiences there.

I have been feeling a lot of feelings of futility lately in my work. I nanny two days + 1 evening/week and then I work on property management stuff off and on. My private practice is just really on a lull. I get a call from a client...they want to work with me, and then for some reason something doesn't work out, insurance, timing, etc. I am eager to start working with more clients and I wish I had the magic piece of marketing to do which would bring me instant results. I feel like no marketing brings instant results and it is so hard to motivate myself to do it due to this...AND it all costs money, not a whole lot of money but when you aren't bringing in money from your practice it sure seems like a lot of money.

I have been looking for a full time or almost full time job in the mental health field again. My last positions were at Fairfax and then most recently the Center for Counseling in Edmonds. Josh and I are becoming a little more stable now financially and if I had a full time job we could stop managing the building. This would free me up to work full time. This is really what I want to do to get licensed as a mental health counselor. I've sent out quite a few resumes and cover letters but I haven't gotten any interviews yet.

I really am grateful for this period of our lives. Josh and I have had more time together than we had had in a long time (while he was in school). Josh started school right after we got back from our honeymoon.

I think it is wearing on me to see Josh starting to do so well in his career with the reminder that I had to set aside some of my career as a therapist for him. This must be how God intended it, but sometimes I think I know a better way, you know, and I fight with God, frustrated at myself and Josh "Why didn't it just happen the way I wanted it to God?" I try far too often to convince God that my ways are best.

God has been inviting me over and over again lately to sit at His feet and trust in His timing.

1 comment:

  1. The day will come. Until then, enjoy those 7 computers...I feel that you'll have more one day...
